Monday, May 07, 2007

Badgers ahoy!

On Saturday the South West Surrey Badger Group were in Guildford High Street. I was so excited.

I smiled. Big Badger smiles. I went over to the small plot which had a lovely board up telling you all about the plight of the poor Badgers in Surrey. I went over to the table to see what was on offer and I bought myself a lovely Pin badge and a special Badger face. The face I have since discovered scares Ruby Dog hugely. She was so scared she smashed her head on my door in her bid to get away from my dreaded Badger face.

The lovely lady on the stall was most kind she even put my badge on for me so as not to prick myself. I told her I would love to be a Badger and she just smiled sweetly. Bless. I think she thought I was a 12 year old boy (as opposed to a 27 year old Badger lady). Oh well.

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Blogger Stray said...

Ruby dog has a damn good point! Masks are scary!

Your badger mask might make me bash my head too. Very worrying indeed.

I prefer your own badger face.

It's a very good badge though. And you seem to have managed to pin it to yourself today without hurting yourself or asking a grown up! Well done ;)


5:11 PM  
Blogger Martha said...

I want to help a badger too! I wonder if Norfolk Badgers need help or if it is just Surrey ones that are disadvantaged!
I like your badge very much but a little scared by your badger face.

11:56 PM  
Blogger Bitterroot said...

Badger, you should come to Wisconsin. The badger is the mascot of the University of Wisconsin, and much honor is accorded to the badger. There are badger signs everywhere in my town! I also am a Badger because I support my team. The first time I heard your name I thought you were from Wisconsin!

12:58 AM  
Blogger Caroline said...


That mask is terrifying! And sooooo banned from my launch! What with you and Bobo and your mask wearing .... *shudder* I will be quivering in the corner.


2:42 PM  
Blogger Badger said...

Stray & Caroline - The mask has gone now. If I am honest, it actually scared me quite a bit as well.

Cowgirl - I am sure Norfolk Badgers need help too. Take a look here:-

Bitterroot - Wow! I must go to Wisconsin. That sounds wonderful. I met an American once and she told me that British Badgers were very different to their American friends... The Badger in England is about 25 lbs, 3 ft long, 1 ft high. Are you Badgers the same as ours?

5:51 PM  

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