Thursday, July 20, 2006

On my journey to the office this morning I had a tricky encounter with one of my lolly brigade crew,... it made me a little sad when I realised that on moving house I have lost 2 of my specimens from my lollipop notes that I took some time ago - it did however make me think to publish my findings on here....
I have been taking notes on Lollipop men/womens actions lately, trying to work out their training schemes, whether there is a Lolly lady school or such.

Well on my way to work I pass 4 Lollipop brigades, and they all have very different methods of working.

The first is a male and is very bold, he barely looks and boldly steps in to the road Lolly firmly in hand... Many a screech of brakes have been heard at this crossing where he risks his life for these children..

Onto the second, this time a women, she has by far the best lolly action I have ever seen and she always makes me smile... She steps to the edge of the path lolly in hand and she holds it high above her head by the very bottom tip she then leans and extends her body up and over using the lolly in a barrier type fashion across the oncoming traffic, once her lolly barrier is in place she steps boldly out.  I give her a 9 out of 10.

Thirdly is a very nervous old man who quite frankly you wouldn’t need to stop for if you were in a hurry cos he is like a mouse that edges to the edge and nervously pushes his large lolly pop end out waiting for a safe flash of lights to guide him out into the road. I do like to give this one a little wave each morning however.

Finally is some lazy mare who operates a poxy pelican crossing! she presses the button waits for the green man and out she goes..