Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Daphne the Deer

We had a lovely little Deer in our garden wilderness this morning. I have seen her before but have never been able to grab my camera in time. She hung around for near on an hour this morning which was nice. She wondered over to see the chickens and then came right up to the back window.

We have decided to call her Daphne as she must live in our garden so therefore we are claiming her as another pet to add to the already huge collection.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So we have had all extremes of weather just lately, from freezing fog, to strong winds and rain, which resulted in extreme mud, which ended up giving me a bruised face when I mud dived off my bike onto a small rock. Ouch. Then finally we woke to Snow this morning, and a clear sunny sky this afternoon. What next? A tornado?

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Secret Squirrel...

Is this really just a Rat with good Public Relations? I think not... this little guy actually reminded me alot of myself. It was sniffing its food, was very cute, and it had jerky little movements. Yep.... a distant relation for sure. I felt very close to this little Squirrel today.

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