Round and round...
Roundabouts... they fascinate me, always have done. Up north they like to call them Islands which is just wrong. Islands are something different altogether that I am not about to go into here. My fascination is slightly odd I am aware, although I am sure I am not alone. The thing that most confused me and made me cross in the US was that they dont have any in Pennsylvania. How can you not have roundabouts?? I like to imagine the world would come to an abrupt holt without them. In my world they are like nuts and bolts, holding the road network together, all different sizes. You will never find one the same as another (except possibly in Milton Keynes).
I dont want to sound like a roundabout spotter, its true I fear I could if I obsessed over them to much. I keep getting little pulls in my mind to photograph my favourite roundabouts. Urgh.
I like the American more popular alternative - right on red - but its not the same, however since returning from America I do find I now get increasingly cross when sat at a red light just waiting to go left. Sometimes to the point of bladder rage. I know what draws me to roundabouts so much, the fact that i never like to stop, happiest when I am on the move. I am indeed my happiest when i am driving. (So long as I am not in a jam, or indeed at one of those red lights).
The abuse of roundabout usage is astounding, indication is an essential part of their working... yet it would seem many cars nowadays are not built with indicators, so until they implement crystal balls into modern cars one has to be cautious, which disturbs the flow, hence making me cross. People don't understand different roundabouts either, there is one very special roundabout that is near me and it is what is called a "Red Ringer" which is simply that it has a red outer outer ring (this is not an ailment!) I have to smile as i watch everyone go slowly all the way around it, daring not to touch the red part as if i some laser beam would reach out and puncher their tyre. I live just 10 miles from the largest roundabout in the UK, contained within it is a pub.. need i say more.. wow!
There is a theory I read that roundabouts have a severe effect on the psychological makeup of a country depending on which side of the road the country drives on. In countries that drive on the left (such as Australia, New Zealand, and the UK) the left side of the brain gets squashed as a driver goes round a roundabout, which crushes the cells responsible for language and reasoning. Conversely, in countries that drive on the right the side of the brain responsible for creativity gets crushed. This does of course explain why the English are unreasonable and incomprehensible, but make the best music on the planet.
I have never spoken about or told anyone about my fascination with roundabouts, its always been a secret love of mine that I share with this blog for the first time.